
How to Care for Your Eyes After iLASIK Surgery

Proper eye care is essential after iLASIK surgery to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.  In this guide, we’ll walk you through some simple yet essential steps to help you care for your eyes post-surgery, promoting healing and clarity of vision. What Is the Recovery Process of iLasik Surgery? Here’s a quick breakdown of what you can […]

How Does LASIK Work?

iLASIK isn’t just your standard LASIK surgery. It stands out because it uses cutting-edge technology tailored to your eyes. Traditional LASIK procedures are effective, but iLASIK takes precision to the next level with wavefront technology. This technology maps your eye with immense accuracy, allowing for a customized treatment. The result? A higher chance of achieving sharper […]

How Light Adjustable Lenses Are Revolutionizing the Eye Industry

Cataract surgery involves removing your cloudy eye lens and placing a new artificial lens (an intraocular lens or IOL) in its place. For years, one of the potential drawbacks of cataract surgery was that the lenses had to be chosen before surgery and couldn’t be adjusted once they were in your eyes. So, previously, if […]

What Are the Available Treatment Options for Lazy Eye?

The common term for the medical condition amblyopia, lazy eye, presents in the patient as an eye that “wanders” to drift up, down, and/or side to side, causing eyes to move out of sync. This condition can result in poor depth (or “3D”) perception or even double vision. Fortunately, physicians and patients can take many […]

Are You a Candidate for Cataract Surgery?

If you or a loved one are living with cataracts, you know how frustrating it can be to experience blurry vision, difficulty seeing at night, and sensitivity to light that often comes with the condition. Thankfully, help is available. At Richens Eye Center, our team is here to help you through every step of the cataract […]

5 Common Symptoms of Glaucoma You Shouldn’t Ignore

Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by a progressively worsening loss of vision. The disease arises from optic nerve damage and is irreparable. Regular visits to an eye doctor can help identify symptoms before they impair your life. Eye care providers like the Richens Eye Center in Southern Utah are dedicated to diagnosing and treating a […]

Must-Know Holiday Eye Safety Tips

Among the excitement of the holiday season, eye injuries are the last thing on most people’s minds. But at Richens Eye Center, we always think about ways we can help our patients protect their vision! These holiday eye safety tips are important — be sure to keep them in mind as you engage in all your […]

The Benefits of Getting an Eyebrow Lift

Your eyebrows play a significant role in framing your face and conveying your emotions. The shape and position of your eyebrows can significantly impact your overall appearance. If you’ve ever considered enhancing your look, an eyebrow lift might be the perfect solution. Improved Facial Symmetry One of the primary benefits of getting an eyebrow list is the […]

How to Make Your Recovery from Eyelid Surgery Easy

Preparing for your eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty can help make your recovery problem-free. Whether you have eyelid surgery to correct your peripheral vision or to achieve the appearance you’ve always wanted, it’s important to take the proper steps needed before your procedure to ensure your eyes and skin can heal from surgery properly. Let Your Support System […]

Blurred Vision and Light Sensitivity? You May Need Surgery

If you’ve faced changes to your vision through blurriness or light sensitivity, you may need something known as corneal cross-linking, a procedure that can help treat keratoconus.  Keratoconus is an eye condition that weakens and thins the cornea, eventually making it bulge, which can impair vision. If left untreated and allowed to progress, keratoconus can necessitate a […]

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