How Light Adjustable Lenses Are Revolutionizing the Eye Industry

Light adjustable lenses

Cataract surgery involves removing your cloudy eye lens and placing a new artificial lens (an intraocular lens or IOL) in its place. For years, one of the potential drawbacks of cataract surgery was that the lenses had to be chosen before surgery and couldn’t be adjusted once they were in your eyes.

So, previously, if your new IOLs didn’t give you sharp enough vision, you’d need to use glasses or contacts to correct this deficit. The introduction of light adjustable lenses has been a major game-changer in the world of cataract surgery. Here’s what you need to know about them.

What Are Light Adjusting Lenses?

Light adjustable lenses are a unique type of IOL. They provide a level of customization never before possible with IOLs. The RxSight™ Light Adjustable Lens is the first of its kind.

RxSight Light Adjustable Lenses are made of a unique material that adjusts to ultraviolet (UV) light. The lenses are carefully optimized for your specific vision needs in the weeks after your cataract surgery through quick and easy light treatments in your doctor’s office.

The UV light treatments help your eyes adapt to the new lenses. Essentially, the treatments can help your vision be its best at all distances. This customization process can continue until you get the superior quality vision you want and need to function at your best.

Are Light Adjusting Lenses Right For You?

Light adjustable lenses are an exciting new option for cataract surgery patients. They can help you feel confident about your vision post-surgery, and in many cases, they may help avoid the use of contacts and glasses. Many people who are eligible for cataract surgery may be good candidates for these new lenses, but it all depends on your unique individual needs.

Get Light Adjustable Lenses Today!

Want to learn more about light adjustable lenses and what they can do to make your life easier? At Richens Eye Center, our team of experts can provide a light adjustable lens evaluation and help you decide if they’re the right choice for your cataract surgery. Reach out online or call 435-986-2020 today.

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