Taking Care of Your Contact Lenses

Focus on contact lens on finger of young woman.
Focus on contact lens on finger of young woman.

Contact lenses are amazing little things, when you think about it – thin, comfortable pieces of plastic that fit comfortably over your eyes and allow you to see perfectly. Once you get used to wearing them you don’t even notice they are there, and you probably don’t think too much about them. But to keep your contacts in good shape, your eyes healthy, and your vision sharp, there are some things you should know about taking care of your contact lenses.

Take care of your contact lenses and they’ll take care of you

It can be easy to stop caring for your contacts like you should once wearing them becomes second nature. Make sure to:

1. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling your contacts to keep bacteria and debris from getting into your eyes.

2. Don’t use expired contact lens solution. Make sure you check the expiration date and toss out any solution that is old.

3. Remove your contacts before you go to sleep.

4. Don’t rub your eyes when you are wearing your contacts, to keep them from tearing.

5. Use solution to clean and store your lenses. Don’t use water or saliva!

6. See your eye doctor once a year for an eye exam and evaluation of how your eyes are doing with contacts.

7. Wear your lenses only as long as you’re supposed to. Some lenses may be made for long-term use, while others are only meant to be worn for one day and then thrown away.

8. If you need to use eyedrops, make sure you check the instructions – some of them require you to remove your contact lenses before use.

Contact lenses are great! Once you’ve worn them for a while, you won’t even know they are there – yet they allow you to see clearly without the hassle of wearing glasses. If you have any questions about caring for your lenses or if you are considering trading in your glasses for contact lenses, Richens Eye Center can help. Call the office in St. George, UT, or Mesquite, NV, for a contact lens exam appointment. Call (435) 986-2020 today!

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Richens Eye Center
St. George/Downtown

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm
Fri: 8am-12pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

Richens Eye Center
St. George/Sunset

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm
Fri: 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

Richens Eye Center

Office Hours

Mon-Thurs: 8am-5pm
Fri: 8am-2pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

Richens Eye Center
Little Valley

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Mon-Thurs: 9am-5pm
Fri: 9am-1pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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