You can learn more about glaucoma, its effects, and groundbreaking treatments in our latest inSight Learning Series. The recording of this virtual session is available here. We discussed sustained-release and surgical glaucoma treatments that don’t involve daily eye drops.
What are the symptoms of glaucoma?
There are several different forms of glaucoma which can impact the symptoms patients might experience. They include any of the following:
- Foggy, blurry vision
- Severe throbbing of the eye
- Eye redness and irritation
- Headaches
- Halos
- Dilated pupils
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of significant amount of vision
- Loss of peripheral vision that occurs gradually
- Tearing and sensitivity to light
- Large cornea and clouding
Why choose glaucoma surgery?
In the earlier stages, many doctors will recommend the use of daily eye drops. This can help reduce pressure in the eye and slow the progression of the condition. But many patients may have trouble using them, or don’t want to worry about remembering their daily drops, so surgery can help reduce or eliminate this need.
When am I a good candidate for glaucoma surgery?
Any patient who has been diagnosed with glaucoma and wants to address the problem with surgery will want to consult with our surgeons to determine if they are a good candidate for the glaucoma surgeries. There are many different options. Some patients want to get away from having to remember to use daily eye drops and free themselves from the maintenance of glaucoma. Other patients have severe glaucoma that may be impacting their daily quality of life and the ability to perform certain activities such as reading and driving. This is the point when many patients choose to move forward with eye surgery.
Are you interested in more information regarding glaucoma surgery?
Finding out if you are a proper candidate for glaucoma surgery is the first step in making the change towards healthier, clearer vision. Call Richens Eye Center at (435) 986-2020 to book an appointment at one of the three convenient locations throughout mesquite, NV and Saint George, UT. We are open for new and established patients.